Focus &  productivity for small business owners who tend to go rogue

The I'm Working On It Club is a crew of creatives, consultants, coaches who work online and need to get shit done but focus is a slippery little devil that seems to escape in all the details day-to-day life. 

And let's be honest. There are a ton of things more fun than getting to inbox zero but the satisfaction when you do... priceless. 

You see, I know that YOU know that banging out your to-do list matters for your growing business... BUT I also get why you need external motivation to stay on track.  

No shame. 

The I'm Working On It Club applies the basic principles of accountability in its finest form. 

Here’s how it works.

  1. You log in. 

  2. We bear witness as you focus like a superhero.

  3. You ride off into the wind with enough productivity and bragging rights to save a village or post on Instagram. 

We are not forcing community (though that is a possible side effect) we are simply logging in to move the dial and carry on with the rest of our day.   

Focus and productivity breeds motivation, but getting into the zone by yourself can be a real son of a bitch.

Wait. A club? For grownups?

Hell yeah. 

This is for remote rockstars, work from homers, digital wanderers, procrastinating perfectionists and midnight owls. 

We rally for freedom and rebel against hourly pay. 

Our unruliness, however, often leads to distraction in the form of runaway idea sessions, park bench book reading, snuggly doom scrolling and overall not doing what we really should be doing (coffee run anyone?). 

It's a problem for you, your clients and your bottom line. 

This is a club that knows that the best part of being your own boss is:  

  • Freedom over your time

  • Calling the shots 

  • No limit to earning potential 

  • Working from wherever 

  • Setting your own schedule 

We also know that the worst part of being your own boss is:

See above  👆🏼

We are full-blown adults. Left in charge of properly running businesses. Yet focusing solely on our to-do list is beyond our capabilities in a given week. 

The I'm Working On It Club proposes to shelve the 'it’s lonely at the top’ dialog and go at the small rock, big ideas, and finish the unsexy tasks together.

The thing is, we aren’t supposed to be naturally amazing at managing our own time. It’s part of why having a boss works. But we don’t want no stinking bosses. 

We want focus.

Enter the I’m Working On It Club. Maybe you are working through small business growing pains (preach) and need hit to send the proposal already, update your LinkedIn bio, send client feedback...FOCUS. 

Maybe you are holding yourself back and need to eat the frog to move on with your day and feel better.  

Maybe you are feeling pressure from a client, partner or spouse about how you do what you do and are about to spiral downward...

In any case, the club is where you can microdose your productivity to make a big impact on your day-to-day goals. 

And bonus, you get to do it with other people who just get it. 

If we've all gone rogue then who’s driving the ship? 

That would be me, Lindsey.

I am a solution slinger, an online business fixer, work from a broader, recovering people pleaser and most importantly to you the person you want to have in your corner as you pivot, scale and get shit done in your small business. 

After more than 15 years of building and running startups, family businesses, and sold-out events such as TedX in Latin America, I formed Virtually Lindsey. I pivoted to online business in 2018 and have applied my toolkit of accumulated move-the-dial knowledge to creatives and coaches ever since. 

I love to gather people, connect ideas and turn ideas into cash.  I am in the business of finding solutions and connecting people to what they most need NOW in their business. 

The secret to the club is its SIMPLE. Low key, come as you are (except if you are in your bed because, come on, we have a world to change, let's give it a go!

The I'm Working On It Club is no pressure and all productivity. It's your best kept secret on how you do ALL. THE. THINGS. 

The urgency you are missing in your world to get shit done.

The HOW you focus on unsexy tasks and tackling big ideas.  

I couldn't do business without Lindsey. Seriously, she has this way of lovingly lulling me to my desk where I can focus, get shit done, and continue to balance what is most important in my business - free time on my calendar. 

Lindsey somehow just knows when it's time to block a couple of hours on the schedule to drill down and get the work that is needed to move the dial. It's a superpower.

Ok, so what's the schedule?

  • Move It Mondays - We focus first on setting up your week to gain momentum and targeted focus.  We open up for organized brain dumps. There is an opportunity to share your plan if for an extra layer of accountability and we do this all in less time than an episode of The Office.  Then we get to work on it with a 60-minute coworking time block. 

  • Coffee House Tuesdays - 60 minutes of coworking with a killer playlist. The only rule is no client work. You can hit inbox zero, plan your socials or delegate to your virtual assistant.  All you need to know is what you are working on and why it is important. 

  • Working On It Wednesdays - Rock up with your HOW TO questions for working in and on your business and pick Lindsey's brain. Top buns and t-shirts are welcome while we dig dirty into the implementation phase surrounding what needs to be fixed next in your business.

  • Ad Hoc Work Sprints - Voted on and announced on the weekly schedule. These focused work-on-anything sprints are meant to ebb and flow with members' workload or (dare I mention) launch seasons and be there for you when the extra time blocking is needed.  

    Call times vary and are based on Eastern Standard Time.

Plus, occasional networking if that's your jam...

Optional events and perks of being in the club: 

  • Newsletter Shoutouts- Have a killer freebie or an offer that converts? As it aligns with our weekly topic, Lindsey will share your offers with our entire email list.

  • Member Mixers - Networking that goes somewhere. We open up an Ask/Offer thread for your services or products that you can access anytime. You give and take, and it's not sleazy or gross, just business. 

  • Strut Your Stuff Sessions - Present your idea, product or offer and receive hive-mind feedback. Be open to honesty because we won't fluff your feathers, we respect you too damn much.  

  • Quarterly Cabin Week Retreat - Where creative projects go to get DONE! We take a week, declare a goal to drill down on project and work on it together!

All for less than dinner for two…what's the catch?

No catch but no fluff either. 

There is no promise of finding your life purpose or coaching on what to do in your business.

The I'm Working On It Club is where bonafide Small Business Owners go to DO what they need to do. 

This club is for you if:

  • You’re expanding an already established idea and would love to be in a room of smart people to spitball and drill down with. 

  • You are a remote rockstar and crave doses of focus with colleagues that actually rock. 

  • You're curious how others get shit done in business when there is SO much to do. 

  • You have a side hustle and a big fancy 9-5 and a family and desperately need to FOCUS.

  • You adore an excellent Spotify playlist and don’t gatekeep on what's motivating you. 

  • You have big ideas that require small unsexy productivity sprints, and having someone to observe you while you work weirdly moves the dial.

This is not for you if: 

  • You are just getting started and unsure how to get off the ground. 

  • You are looking for a coaching program or a mastermind.

This is a  legit club where grown-ass people go to do the work together. If a spoonful of tough love will take you down, we probably aren't your crew. We value honesty and don’t need our feathers fluffed about our ideas because we are building businesses and need to get shit DONE! 

Jill Williams Watercolor

As an artist, my creative mind gets so stuck when I have to sit down and do the damn work. Working with Lindsey is a gamechanger!  

Jill Williams

Thriving Practice Center

The leaps of the progress we make after every session with Lindsey are worth their weight in gold. 

Jesse Nunely

I get it, you have questions

  • You can stay for a month or get down in productivity town for a whole year. If you find that The I'm Working On It Club is no longer for you after 30 days you can cancel anytime no questions asked (though you will be missed).

  • It's entirely up to you. Every small business has seasons of high hustle and seasons of slow rolling. You may want to just do some quick sessions to keep you on top of things or come every day to drill through a project. Again, you're the boss!

  • Most calls are at 1 pm Eastern Standard Time/ 10 am Pacific Standard Time. Lindsey will send out regular polls to add in extra productivity sprints which opens up more options for our midnight owls and friends across the pond!

  • Balance is key in this industry. If you are sick, take the day. Going on vacation? You should. Do so without guilt and let your systems do the heavy lifting. Your membership waits for you with bated breath and you can plug right back in when you are ready. At Virtually Lindsey, we also take scheduled downtime to be with family. The club will be on break for one week in April and the last two weeks of December.